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Abbey View Nursery

A very warm welcome to Abbey View Nursery which is a hive of learning, fun and activity!

As most children have their first experience away from their families when they start their journey in nursery, our first and foremost aim is to create a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment for the children to play and learn together in. We also aim to ensure that children feel safe and happy and make a gentle transition from home to the Nursery.

We would like all children to feel cared for, looked after and benefit from an abundance of well-planned activities and fantastic resources. We believe that learning is fun and children thrive with rich experiences that help them to learn about the world around them.

Children are encouraged to learn and explore through play and first-hand experiences, as well as child-initiated and carefully planned adult-led activities. These follow the children’s interests and their individual needs and are based around topics as part of our broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum through the Early Years Framework.

The framework consists of 7 learning areas:

· Personal, Social and Emotional Development

· Physical Development

· Communication and Language

· Literacy

· Mathematics

· Understanding the World

· Expressive Arts and Design

These are all represented in our curriculum as they are equally important and provide the basis of children’s learning and development. They all play a crucial part in our approach to provide a grounded, in depth and meaningful learning experience for the children throughout their time in the Nursery.

The Early Years Foundation Stage is a distinct and important phase in education. The early years are crucial for developing children’s enjoyment of learning, their engagement and motivation. We believe that, as early years practitioners, our most important job is to support children’s social and emotional development and their learning by valuing each of them as an individual and carefully guide them through enabling environments and positive relationships.

However, this cannot be done without our wonderful parents who are essential partners in children’s early learning. We aim to work closely and cooperatively with parents through positive and respectful relationships to make sure that all children achieve their full potential. We very much look forward to sharing our adventures with our parents!

Please follow us on Twitter (@AvpaNursery)

Teaching Staff

Early Years Lead: Miss Barnard
Teacher: Ms Frangoulis
Nursery Keyworker: Miss Pala
Nursery 1:1: Mrs Jaycock

Introduction to Nursery

Nursery introduction video

Nursery Welcome Meeting 2024

Curriculum Overview

Nursery Curriculum Overview

Topic Overviews

Autumn 1- It's good to be me

Autumn 2- Celebrate good times- come on!

Spring 1- Community Champions

Reading List

Nursery Recommended Reading List


Autumn 1 Newsletter

Autumn 2 Newsletter

Spring 1 Newsletter

Learning in Action