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Chepping View


Abbey View Primary Academy is very proud of its school uniform. We believe that wearing the uniform gives the children a sense of pride in themselves and their achievements at school.

Our uniform is supplied by Different Class. Please follow the link below for further information including Uniform Order Form, for those that are unable to access ordering online:


The user name is abbeyview and the password is academy

Email - enquiries@differentclassuk.com





Reception and Key Stage 1



 Key Stage 2



 Book bags

Please make sure that you purchase the correct book bag for your child's year group


PE Kit

 Optional Uniform


  • Children in the Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1 must not wear earrings to school.
  • Children in Key Stage 2 may wear simple, round studs if they have pierced ears, but they must be able to remove the studs themselves for PE lessons.
  • Simple, named watches may be worn from Year 2 upwards (no novelty/watches with detachable parts or loud sounds and no messaging or internet browsing facilities)All other jewellery is considered a safety hazard.

 General Information

  • Headscarves if worn should be the short-fitted children’s style, no pins (plain black or navy)
  • Black shoes- must be appropriate for school use, including playtimes. Flat heel and secure-not ballet pump style, no trainers. no boots. no laces at Key Stage 1 and Reception, unless the children can tie laces themselves.
  • Hair of shoulder length or longer must be tied back at all times using simple hair accessories (hairbands, clips, ribbons) in the following colours: navy or burgundy (no oversized bows).
  • Hair styles should be appropriate for school. Abbey View does not permit children to have fashion hair styles. This includes having lines, patterns or logos cut into the hair and using hair dyes

Buying Uniform

Uniform can be ordered directly from Different Class using the internet and paying via PayPal


The username is: abbeyview and the password is: academy

You can visit the Different Class Showroom for a fitting. The details of the showroom are:

Different Class Unit 9,

Wessex Road,

Wessex Industrial Estate,

Bourne End


Tel: 01628 531821

Email: enquiries@differentclassuk.com

 Labelling Uniform

You will be expected to label each item of your child’s school uniform, including their shoes, bags, coats and water bottle. 

If you purchase stickers from the company Stickerscape use our unique code we earn a 25% commission


School ID Code: 70090